Project collaboration

Action for Children

The project is based on a collaboration between the University of Sheffield and Action for Children. The project team consists of Harriet Churchill, project lead, and Jonathan Herbert, project researcher, who are both based in Sociological Studies at the University of Sheffield. The project team also consists of Joe Lane, project co-lead and Head of Policy and Research at Action for Children, and Daisy Elliott, Senior Policy Advisor at Action for Children. The collaboration with Action for Children is an important basis for our project enhancing the ways in which our research relates to policy and practice community research needs, policy and practice stakeholder engagement, and effective knowledge exchange strategies for policy and practice communities. 

As a service provider, Action for Children has specialist expertise in delivering universally available online and digital parenting support (such as via Action for Children’s ‘Parent Talk’ platform and service). Action for Children is also a major campaigning and advocacy organisation for children's rights, early help, family and parenting support, and evidence-informed policy and practice.  

Advisory Group

An advisory group made up of high-level sector representatives, local authority service leads and leading academics with subject and methodology expertise provides independent advice and guidance to the project team. The advisory group contributes to the research design and delivery, and ensuring the research outputs and dissemination has high policy and practice relevance, and accessibility and relevance to parents, communities and the general public. 

Parents Panel

A panel of parents, made up of parents from different backgrounds and circumstances, will meet regularly and help to shape the delivery and outputs of the project. This group will assist the project team to gain a better understanding of the range of support needs, preferences, activities and concerns that parents can have when engaging with early help and family support services in general, and particularly when engaging with online and digitally-mediated resources and services for parents, families and communities.