Towards a new research and practice agenda

A mixed-methods study of universal online and digital resources and support for parents


The Virtual Support 4 Parents study was in the spotlight at the 11th Bi-annual International Conference ‘Promoting Equality through Family Support’ organised by the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, University of Galway, Ireland and held on campus where the Centre is located within the Centre for the Study of Lifecourse and Society, June 13th and 14th. 


As our study progresses we will hold webinars & events. See our events page for more information soon.


Over the course of our study we will post Blogs reviewing and debating key policy, practice and research issues.

A collaborative project funded by the Nuffield Foundation involving the University of Sheffield & Action for Children

An overview of the project's key phases, including aims, timeline, and outputs.

A range of stakeholders helping to shape the project, including academic and sector experts, parents and the project's main collaborator, Action for Children

Our core team is made up of researchers and specialists from the University of Sheffield and Action for Children.


Three interim open-access reports will provide key findings at each significant stage of the project, with the first due in autumn 2024. A full report and briefing will also be produced at the end of the project.

Reports and outputs from the project will be made available here once published.

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